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Paragliding and hanggliding in Denmark

Denmark offers some of Northern Europe’s best coastal/ridge soaring spots, as well as tow launching possibilities for both paragliders and hang gliders. This sites provides visiting hang glider and paraglider pilots with information about safety, rules and flying in Denmark.

Before flying in Denmark, you must become familiar with our national rules and regulations. In Denmark we have national rules and regulations, and that is due to our continuous effort in safeguarding our flying environment.


  • Wear A HELMET
  • Have A Third Party INSURANCE
  • Check NOTAMS, see below

As a foreign pilot, you are welcome to contact our office if you have questions about how to be compliant with our regulations.
You can read more if you click on these links

Restricted areas change from day to day, so you MUST check Navigational warnings for Danish airspace before you fly!  

General Information for Visiting Pilots


IMPORTANT: See below for information regarding military areas and NOTAMS! 

Denmark offers some of Northern Europe’s best coastal/ridge soaring spots, as well as tow launching possibilities for both paragliders and hang gliders. This page provides visiting hang glider and paraglider pilots with information about safety, rules and flying in Denmark.


Denmark offers many fantastic possibilities for coastal/Ridge soaring. However, it is important to note that not all of the areas where this type of flying takes place are open to the public. In some cases, a Danish paragliding or hang gliding club may have entered into a private agreement with a landowner to use the ridge or dune facing out to sea for flying. Therefore there may be special rules applicable to these areas. These rules may include obtaining permission to fly, specific no-fly zones, fly free periods, and limitations to the number of paragliders and hang gliders that can be in the air at any one time. For an overview of flying zones see the link on the page here (the site is still under construction).


Please pay attention to where other pilots are around you at all time.  Whoever has the ridge on his left side, must alter course to the right.

Once again, if you have the ridge on your left-hand side you must give way, by flying to the right, away from the ridge. You must give way in good time and keep ample distance in order to avoid collapses on the shadowed glider.


Coastal/ridge soaring is different from flying in the mountains and can be very dangerous if you don`t know how to do it. In order to fly we often have to start in rather more wind than the typical case in the mountains. This requires different and more sophisticated ground handling skills. Many of the accidents by foreign pilots occur in connection with starting in strong winds. The sensible thing is to go to the top of the dune or ridge and measure or feel the wind before starting on the beach!
It is important to be aware of the fact that the wind on the beach may seem adequate but it may very well be too strong for most pilot levels a little higher up.
Many pilots have been surprised by this and have got blown back into the rotor behind the crest where collapses are likely to occur. Very experienced pilots may be able to fly in strong winds. This does not necessarily mean that pilots unaccustomed to the local factors can do the same. Paraglider students should never fly in stronger wind than 7 m/s or 26 km/h (measured on the top of the dune or ridge).
Always fly with a speed bar.

Be aware of military areas 

In Denmark there are a number of military firing ranges that include ridges and dunes ideal for coastal soaring. It is allowed fly in these areas as long as they are open to the public. If you intend to fly in any of the following areas it is essential that you check if they are open to the public and that there are no live firing exercises being conducted by the military:

Most importantly check always check the following link for NOTAM when flying in Denmark, especially when flying the coastline between Vejers/Blåvand and up to Hvidesande.  Be aware that all times are Zulu Times! 

Navigational warnings for Danish airspace

Rules and regulations

General Rules for Hang gliding and paragliding in Denmark

  • You can fly using your national license for a period of max. 30 days.
  • Always wear a helmet.
  • No flying above 150 meters (500 ftMSL) without a reserve parachute.
  • Only VFR flights may be performed.
  • Flights must not be performed closer than 25 m to any person, grazing livestock, building, vehicle or public road
  • You must have third party liability insurance.
  • Always bring your certificate.
  • Flying without instructor supervision requires a rating equivalent to FAI SafePro-Para/Delta-4 also known as FAI IPPI-4.
  • Cross country flying requires a rating equivalent to FAI SafePro-Delta/Para 5b also known as FAI IPPI-5b.
  • You are not allowed to fly higher than 1050 meters (3500 feet MSL) anywhere in Denmark.
  • In Denmark, it is not allowed to educate any student at any level without an instructor license issued by the DHPU (Danish Hanggliding and Paragliding Union.

Here is a link to the official rules and regulations on hang gliders and paragliders in english

Code of conduct

Coastal Soaring in Denmark

Unlike thermalling, coastal soaring takes place close to people, livestock and buildings. Space is limited by the length of the coastal ridge and there are usually other people using the top of the ridge and beach below.

This Code of Conduct is a set of simple rules to help pilots have fun, keep safe and to ensure everyone can enjoy the coastal ridge and surrounding areas. If it is your first-time coastal soaring in Denmark (even if you are part of a paragliding school or group) you should acquaint yourself with these rules.

  • Ask a local pilot

If you are unsure of the conditions, local regulations, private property status or where the best places to launch and land are, contact the local paragliding club for assistance. An overview of the Danish clubs can be found on our webpage.

  • Show Good Airmanship

Coastal ridges can be crowded with pilots of all different levels, respect this, it is not the place to be showing off.

  • Clean up after yourself

Remember to take good airmanship with you to the ground. Always clean up after yourself and take your rubbish with you at the end of the day.

  • Respect the rules

In Denmark, it is the Danish rules that apply to you when flying. You should read and understand the Danish rules and regulations before taking to the air.

  • Respect other people, property and livestock

Rarely will you find a coastal soaring site free of other people, property or livestock – show respect to earn respect.

  • Show consideration

Understand that not everyone likes to have a paraglider hovering near their house. Show consideration when coastal soaring in the vicinity of people’s houses – keep moving, be discrete, keeping radio chatter to a minimum, and never land or launch from someone’s private property without permission.

  • Fly within your abilities

Coastal soaring can be challenging especially for the novice. Be aware that sites vary in difficulty and conditions can change rapidly.

  • Check before you fly

Paragliders in the air doesn’t mean that you can fly there. Most Danish clubs have agreements with landowners, allowing them to use private property for parking, access, launching and landing. In Denmark you must acquire the owner’s permission to start and land from private property. If in doubt contact the local Danish